| Faculty of Education, Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences, Studies

Still no suitable study place? Apply to the University of Erfurt now!

The University of Erfurt is still offering places in Special Education and Inclusive Pedagogy, International Relations, Teaching, Learning and Training Psychology, Primary Education, and Sport and Physical Education for the start of the winter semester 2022/23. Prospective students who have not previously been admitted or who have not yet applied for these subjects at the University of Erfurt can apply. Both procedures take place via the hochschulstart.de platform.

Prospective students who have not previously been admitted to one of these degree programmes in their application can take part in the Koordinierten Nachrückverfahren (Coordinated Move-Up Procedure). They will receive an e-mail from hochschulstart.de with an invitation link. This link is valid for 72 hours (25.-27.08.2022) and enables participation in the coordinated move-up. Alternatively, participation can also be declared directly in the application portal of hochschulstart.de by 27.08.2022.

Prospective students who have not previously applied for these subjects at the University of Erfurt can register for the Losverfahren innerhalb des Koordinierten Nachrückens (lottery procedure within the coordinated move-up) by submitting a new application for the desired subject on hochschulstart.de. All applicants in possession of a valid university entrance qualification (general or subject-specific university entrance qualification, not a UAS qualification!) can take part in the lottery procedure. Applicants who have already received a place in another subject can also take part. A study place already obtained is not lost through participation in the lottery procedure. Please note: For Sport and Exercise Pedagogy, a certificate of successful completion of the aptitude test must also be submitted for matriculation. However, this can also have been taken at another university.

In case of admission, applicants then have 14 days (cut-off period) to accept the place by applying for matriculation electronically and sending the signed matriculation application together with the required documents by post to the University of Erfurt.

Further information / contact:

Studierendenangelegenheiten (Dezernat 1: Studium und Lehre)
Student Affairs
(Department 1: Registrar‘s Office)
C02 – administration building / Erdgeschoss (Haupteingang)
Office hours
in person: Monday to Thursday 12-15 hrs and by appointment
by telephone: Monday to Friday 9-11:30