| Internal service, Events

Benefit market for the benefit of the Association of Ukrainian Compatriots Thuringia

The Student Council of the University of Erfurt, together with the regional group of the German Economy Foundation Erfurt-Ilmenau, invites you to a small Ukrainian benefit market on campus on Tuesday, May 31. It will begin at 10 a.m. in front of the StuRa office and end around 4 p.m.

On this day, clothes and books that have been donated beforehand will be sold. There will also be vegan waffles with various toppings. All proceeds will then be donated to the "Verein Ukrainischer Landsleute Thüringen" (Association of Ukrainian Compatriots Thuringia).

Anyone who would like to donate books or clothing can do so on May 23/24/25/27/30 from 12 to 2 p.m. in front of the Lernwerkstatt (LG1).