Willy Brandt School of Public Policy

The Power of Family-friendly and Inclusive Cities

1. Jul 2021, 5.00 pm
Willy Brandt School of Public Policy
Carmen Niethammer

As part of the Brandt School's guest lecture series, Senior Gender Specialist at the European Investment Bank and Senior Brandt Fellow Carmen Niethammer will give a guest talk.

About the speaker:

CARMEN NIETHAMMER is Senior Brandt Fellow at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy; and Senior Gender Specialist at the European Investment Bank where she helps the EIB promote gender equality throughout their investment portfolio. She has a B.A. in Economics and International Studies from the American University and an M.A. in International Economics from Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies. Her career with the United Nations, the World Bank and IFC includes long-term assignments in Brazil, Egypt, Sri Lanka, the US and Yemen. As Forbes contributor she writes on gender and inclusion topics and how they matter to business and development.


If you are interested in joining the lecture, please send an e-mail to laura.schweigert@uni-erfurt.de and you will receive the link to the online event.