| Faculty of Catholic Theology, Religion, Society, and World Relations, Events

Event series on "Women of the Church - Church of Women. Wishes and perspectives"

The Women's Promotion and Equality at the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Erfurt invites all interested parties to a digital event series in the summer semester 2021 on the topic Frauen der Kirche – Kirche der Frauen. Wünsche und Perspektiven (Women of the Church - Church of Women. Wishes and Perspectives).

In three video conferences, women of the Church report on their experiences and roles in traditionally Catholic areas, in secular cities of Central and Eastern Europe and in religiously plural Jerusalem. After an impulse talk about their own work, role and position in the Church, there will be an opportunity for questions and exchange about the wishes and perspectives of women in the Church and for the Church.

The three events will take place as video conferences on Tuesday 18 May / 25 May / 1 June, at 7 pm. All those interested are welcome and can register at gleichstellung.kthfak@uni-erfurt.de. Access data will also be made available via the Faculty's social media channels.

Professor of New Testament Exegesis and Theology
(Faculty of Catholic Theology)
Mitarbeitergebäude 3 (Villa Martin) / room 9
Office hours
by appointment
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