The first event will take place on 22 April. It is about publishing with the Electronic Text Centre (ETC). It starts at 4 p.m. and ends around 4.20 p.m.
Further dates:
- 20.05. | You publish - the library pays. I. The OA Publication Fund of the University of Erfurt (Sie publizieren – die Bibliothek zahlt. I. Der OA-Publikationsfonds der Universität Erfurt)
- 17.06. | You publish - the library pays. II. transformation contracts at the University of Erfurt (Sie publizieren – die Bibliothek zahlt. II. Transformationsverträge an der Universität Erfurt)
- 15.07. | Making research data findable (Forschungsdaten auffindbar machen)
The Coffee Lectures will also take place at 4pm on these days. Simply dial into the Webex room for this: