| Faculty of Education, Faculty of Catholic Theology, Faculty of Philosophy, Knowledge, Spaces, and Media, Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences, Research, Events

Lecture on "The resistance stagings of the 'Querdenken' movement"

The research network "Dictatorship Experience and Transformation" invites to its next event as part of its summer semester colloquium at the University of Erfurt on Thursday, 6 May. It begins at 4 pm. This time, Greta Hartmann, M.A., and Dr. Alexander Leistner from the research association "The Contested Legacy of 1989." at the University of Leipzig will be guests. The title of their lecture is: "Leipzig, 7 November 2020. The resistance stagings of the 'Querdenken' (lateral thinking) movement".

Announcement and snapshots of the "Querdenken" demonstration on 07 November 2020 in Leipzig
Announcement and snapshots of the "Querdenken" demonstration on 07 November 2020 in Leipzig. (Photo: FB, LIZ, Beltower.News)

The protests of the "Querdenken" (lateral thinking) movement already occupy a certain exceptional position within the recent history of protest in the Federal Republic. This becomes visible on the one hand in the dynamics of the observable radicalisation processes within this movement and the (non-)reactions of the state to it. From the perspective of movement research, the lecture will use the example of the nationwide large-scale demonstration on 7 November 2020 in Leipzig to characterise the movement as a collective movement and platform protest. In particular, the function of historical references and the retrospective identification of the "lateral thinking" movement will be asked about.

Greta Hartmann is a research associate at the Institute for Cultural Studies at the University of Leipzig. Since February 2019, she has been a research assistant in the BMBF joint project "The Contested Legacy of 1989". Alexander Leistner is a research associate at the Institute of Cultural Studies at the University of Leipzig. He is responsible for two research projects within the BMBF research network "The Contested Legacy of 1989".

The colloquium will take place digitally via the Cisco Webex platform in the summer semester 2021. Meeting room: uni-erfurt.webex.com/meet/DuT.Erfurt. The meeting room will open 15 minutes before the start of the event. No separate registration directly at Webex is necessary, you can join the meeting directly via your browser.

For help or more information on how to join, please email: dut.info@uni-erfurt.de.