| Max-Weber-Kolleg, Research

"Religion in the Roman Empire" now available in open access

The journal "Religion in the Roman Empire," edited by an international editorial board under the leadership of Professor Jörg Rüpke and the editorship of Dr Elisabeth Begemann at the Max-Weber-Kolleg of the University of Erfurt, has been available as an open access publication since the beginning of the year and with volume 8.2.

The journal documents new and integrative perspectives on religions in antiquity in a multidisciplinary approach. Starting from the concept of "lived religion", it offers a space for fundamental new research approaches to cross disciplinary boundaries between religious studies, archaeology, anthropology, classical philology, ancient history, Jewish history, theology, and the oriental languages. The focus is not on religions, but on people who act religiously.

The journal is subject to a strict procedure of quality assurance through "peer review", the anonymous evaluation of each contribution in equally anonymous form by two reviewers each. In the meantime, 23 issues have already been published on a wide variety of topics in the field of ancient religions. The spectrum ranges from the role of objects (vol. 1.2), group formations in textual practices (2.1 and 3.1), religion and medicine in antiquity (3.2), economy and religion (5.1), religious practices and neighborhoods and urban quarters (6.1 and 6.2) to urban religion in text and architecture (7.2 and 9.2). In addition to the thematic volumes, booklets with individual contributions on a wide variety of topics are published at regular intervals.

In order to now make these research results available to a wider international audience and at universities also in economically weak countries, the publisher, with the support of numerous libraries and the editors, has now begun to make the journal available online free of charge as an open access publication.

Further information can be found on the publisher's website.


Junior Fellow / Event Management and Publications Officer "Religion in the Roman Empire" (RRE) / Project-Coordinator IGS "Resonant Self-World Relations in Ancient and Modern Socio-Religious Practices"
(Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies)
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