Before joining the department of Health Communication at the University of Erfurt Mirjam Jenny worked at the Robert Koch Institute. She consults for the World Health Organization (WHO), the Allianz Klimawandel und Gesundheit (KLUG), and the European Council. Her work focusses on human behavior in the context of global and planetary health as well as science, risk and crisis communication.
My goal is to empower individuals and organizations to make evidence–informed, risk savvy, and sustainable decisions in our globalized and increasingly digitalized world. I work with citizens, journalists, research organizations, funders, government organizations, private and public stakeholders, and policy makers.
Announcement: At this years's WissKon22 - the NaWik conference for communicating scientists - on May 20, 2022, Dr. Mirjam Jenny holds the keynote on "Science Communication in Times of Crisis". Click here to register for the hybrid conference.