| Max-Weber-Kolleg, Education, School, and Behaviour, Research

New publication: "Perfektionierung"

Private lecturer Dr Christoph Henning, Fellow at the Max-Weber-Kolleg at the University of Erfurt has now published together with Professor Catrin Heite (University of Zurich) and Professor Veronika Magyar-Haas (University of Fribourg), the book "Perfektionierung" (Perfection), in which the concept of perfection is examined from their own disciplinary perspectives for its topicality and analytical weight.

The term "perfection" does not genuinely belong to the vocabulary of Educational Science, but was primarily developed in the more recent philosophical and sociological discussion. At the same time, the concept of "perfectionism" can be identified as a pedagogical one, which is also about education as self-improvement, about striving for perfection – always in the field of tension between ideal and transgression, between self-design and self-education.


Catrin Heite, Christoph Henning and Veronika Magyar-Haas (eds.)
(series "Zürcher Begegnung")
Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2023
ISBN (eBook): 9783658303846
ISBN (print): 9783658303839
242 pages
eBook: 42,99 EUR
print: 54,99 EUR