| Max-Weber-Kolleg, Knowledge, Spaces, and Media, Research

New publication about resonance with buildings

Under the title "Architektonische Resonanz. Das Mausoleum des indischen Sufi-Meisters Shah Vajihudin Alvi" (Architectural Resonance. The Mausoleum of the Indian Sufi Master Shah Vajihudin Alvi), Sara Keller, a research associate in the collegiate research group "Religion and Urbanity" at the University of Erfurt, has now published a new book with Schnell & Steiner that focuses on resonance with buildings.

Buildings embody people and ideas: What if this common metaphor were more than a rhetorical device? In her book, Sara Keller discusses the thesis that architecture can be intentionally designed to create a resonance between a built space and a living being. To this end, she has analyzed the Indian mausoleum of the Sufi master Shāh Vajihudin (16th century). Her investigation shows that the structure was planned as an image of Shāh Vajihudin's identity and thus perceived as the Sufi scholar's stone incarnation.

Sara Keller
Architektonische Resonanz
Das Mausoleum des indischen Sufi-Meisters Shah Vajihudin Alvi
Schnell & Steiner publishing house, 2023
ISBN: 978-3-7954-3819-7
80 pages
16 EUR


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