| Faculty of Philosophy, Religion, Society, and World Relations, Research

New publication about Orthodox Christianity today

In 2015, the major world congress of the International Association for the History of Religion (IAHR) took place in Erfurt. Numerous contributions were devoted to Orthodox Christianity and the challenges of a modern globalized world for the Orthodox Church(es). PD Dr. habil. Sebastian Rimestad and Prof. Dr. Vasilios N. Makrides from the Seminar of Religious Studies at the University of Erfurt have now published a selection of these contributions in the anthology "Coping with Change. Orthodox Christian Dynamics between Tradition, Innovation, and Realpolitik".

Book cover Coping with Change

In ten contributions by researchers from around the world, various aspects of contemporary Orthodoxy are highlighted that challenge the traditional image of the Orthodox Church as unchanging. They deal with Orthodox identities in America and Ukraine, participation in (geo)political conflicts in Southeastern Europe, and intra-Orthodox conflicts and disagreements.

Sebastian Rimestad und Vasilios N. Makrides (Hrsg.)
Coping with Change. Orthodox Christian Dynamics between Tradition, Innovation, and Realpolitik
Berlin: Peter Lang, 2020
ISBN: 978-3-631-67146
266 pages
59,95 EUR