| Erfurt University Library

New service: Electronic semester collection

The Erfurt University Library and the eTeach team at the University of Erfurt will be happy to inform you about the new Moodle plugin "Semesterapparat".

Elektronische Semesterapparate Moodle

In your Moodle rooms, teachers can now add the activity "Semester collection" via "Create activity or material" and thus create semester collections for students digitally in the Moodle course room and/or physically in the library.

The library can be instructed directly from this activity to scan pages from works and make them available as pdf files in Moodle. In accordance with copyright regulations (§ 60a UrhG), scans of up to 15% of a work and journal articles are possible in full.

The eTeach team and Erfurt University Library invite you to a short introduction

on Mon, 15.04., 12.00 h and

on Mon, 22.04., 14.00 h

to the virtual eTeach office: https://uni-erfurt.webex.com/meet/eteach

It is still possible to have a classic printed semester collection set up in the library. Further information can be found here: https: //www.uni-erfurt.de/bibliothek/ausleihen-und-bestellen/ausleihe/semesterapparate

If you have any questions about semester collections (printed and electronic), please contact semapp.ub@uni-erfurt.de.