| Willy Brandt School of Public Policy

Joint Course by Leipzig University and Brandt School

The Leipzig University and Willy Brandt School of Public Policy kick off a joint course on Informal Politics in Fragile States: Between Corruption and Stability as part of the Conflict Studies and Management Program. To discuss the theories and case studies on Informal Politics, the introductory session took place on 13th November 2021 at the Leipzig University.

The joint course on Informal Politics in Fragile States: Between Corruption and Stability is co-taught by Prof. Dr. Solveig Richter, Heisenberg Professor for International Relations and Transnational Politics, Leipzig University and Dr. Siddharth Tripathi, Visiting Lecturer at Willy Brandt School of Public Policy, University of Erfurt.

During the introductory session on November 13th, students from more than ten countries across Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America discussed corruption, competitive particularism, clientelism, patronage, and neopatrimonialism in various contexts. As part of the successful ongoing cooperation between the two institutions, the course is one of the first ventures of co-teaching, collaborative, and participatory learning in Germany. The initial part of the course is conducted at the Leipzig University and the second half at Brandt School.