Between 2014 and 2021 Jordan made massive leaps in renewable energy production, jumping from 1% to 26% of production in seven short years. But this progress has stalled in recent years because of financial burdens imposed by NEPCO, which is a state-owned electricity transmission and distribution company. NEPCO is restricted to take-or-pay purchasing agreements for fossil fuels and long-term contracts to buy fossil fuel-based electricity, thereby forcing policymakers to choose between advancing renewable energy production goals and managing public debt linked to the electricity sector.
In order to get Jordan back on track and advance renewable electricity production, this policy brief recommends three key actions that Jordanian policymakers should consider:
For more on these recommendations and the findings from the stakeholder workshops, check out the full brief here.
This is the third in a series of policy briefs presenting recommendations to advance energy transitions in Malaysia, Kenya, and Jordan.