The business idea: women are still greatly underrepresented in MINT professions (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, technology). It's no wonder, since many girls lose interest in STEM from the age of 11. The education system plays a major role in this. Therefore, together with teachers from Germany and the USA, we are developing a subscription-based online platform with further training offers, teaching materials and video interviews for teachers in grades 1-6. In addition, MINTy Education GmbH offers workshops for girls and boys. In doing so, she supplements STEM lessons in public and private schools with a modern, gender-specific approach. Potential customers include private schools and government educational institutions. In addition, the company would like to win as sponsors in order to offer its workshops free of charge. The young start-up has already concluded an important cooperation with the customer 3M, a globally active US multi-technology group, in order to offer its services nationwide and thus to inspire schoolchildren for STEM topics and to fill the currently gaping gap of female professionals in this field in Germany.