| Max-Weber-Kolleg, Research, International

Fundraising campaign launched for scientists at risk

Against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine, members of the University of Erfurt, together with the University Society (Unigesellschaft), have started a fundraising campaign for endangered scientists. They are now asking for donations. In this way, scientists from Ukraine, but also endangered scientists from Belarus and Russia who are forced to flee because of their opposition to the war and the regime, are to be helped as quickly, flexibly and unbureaucratically as possible and offered an initial perspective.

Among other things, scholarships with different durations of usually up to six months (for advanced students, pre- and post-docs) are to be financed, which can be taken up in Erfurt or, if necessary, as remote scholarships in Ukraine, as well as travel funds and lecture fees.

The required documents can be submitted at any time, and the award is made in a streamlined procedure by a selection committee headed by Professor Beate Hampe, Vice President for International Affairs. Decisions should be made within two weeks if possible. Donations can be made to the account of the Universitätsgesellschaft Erfurt at VR-Bank Bad Salzungen Schmalkalden eG: IBAN: DE30 8409 4754 0003 6860 00 / BIC: GENODEF1SAL under the keyword "Ukraine". If you need a donation receipt, please email your name, address and the amount of your donation to: geschaeftsstelle@unigesellschaft-erfurt.de.

further information / contact:

Vice President for International Affairs
Mitarbeitergebäude 1 / room 606
Office hours
Please register by e-mail via the secretariat (Verena Ferda verena.ferda@uni-erfurt.de)
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