| Faculty of Philosophy, Seminar für Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, Knowledge, Spaces, and Media, Studies

Faculty of Philosophy welcomes Dr Michael Grisko as new honorary professor

The Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Erfurt, and with it the Department of Communication Studies, welcomes Dr Michael Grisko as a new honorary professor for the winter semester 2022/23.

Next Monday, November 7, he will give his inaugural lecture entitled "Wenn Goethe und Schiller verstummen und das Gauforum zur Kampfarena wird" (When Goethe and Schiller fall silent and the Gauforum becomes a battle arena). It will deal with the "filming location Thuringia" between past and present in the DEFA film "Denk' bloß nicht, ich heule" (1965/1990).

The event will begin at 6 p.m. in lecture hall 2 of the Centre for Communication and Information (KIZ). During the event, Michael Grisko will also receive his certificate as honorary professor, which will be officially presented to him by the dean. All interested parties are cordially invited to attend. Registration is not required. However, participants are asked to wear a mask to protect themselves and others from corona infection.

Michael Grisko is a literature and media scholar. Since the beginning of the year, he has been managing director of the Richard Borek Foundation in Braunschweig. Previously, he was a speaker for project development and promotion at the Sparkassen-Kulturstiftung Hessen-Thüringen in Erfurt. He has worked at ZDF, at 3sat-kulturzeit and was scientific head of the "Buddenbrookhaus" in Lübeck. Grisko has also held various teaching positions in the field of literature and media studies since the late 1990s. Among other things, he taught at the University of Erfurt, with whose Department of Communication Studies he has since been closely associated.