The starting point is still today's "many-towered Erfurt", as it was called in the Middle Ages. In seven short chapters, it becomes clear how much fun it is to dive into the city's history as a story of religious and urbanistic change. To put oneself in the living worlds of past epochs on the basis of what one sees today. The common thread for the selection is the colour blue, which stands for the water of the Gera, Mary's cloak, woad and more: The book also wants to surprise with unusual perspectives.
"Die blaue Stad"t (The Blue City) was created in the research group "Religion and Urbanity: Mutual Formations", which is based at the Max-Weber-Kolleg of the University of Erfurt and has been funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) since 2018. How urbanity and religion influence each other is being investigated here comparatively, especially for Europe and South Asia. The question is also discussed in the context of regular "City Walks" in Erfurt, in which sociologists, historians, archaeologists, urban researchers and religious scholars participate. Professor Susanne Rau, spokesperson of the collegial research group: "I am pleased that we can now reach a broad public through the book."
On 5 January, 12-13 o'clock, the book will be presented in more detail in a digital event. Registrations with the subject "Book launch Blue City" by email to: are requested.
Further information / contact:
Professor Jörg Rüpke
phone: 0361/737-2870