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Call for a name

The square between the cafeteria and teaching building 1 on the campus of the University of Erfurt is to be given a name. All university members are therefore called upon to participate in the naming process.

The background to this is that in the course of implementing a new guidance and orientation system for the University of Erfurt, the existing postal addresses are also to be revived and the aforementioned square integrated into the system. Currently, all buildings operate under the collective address Nordhäuser Straße 63, which does not always make it easy - e.g. for suppliers (and visitors who want to reach us via navigation systems) - to find the specific building. Nevertheless, there are already concrete postal addresses, which only hardly anyone has used in the past, e.g. Mathes-Maler-Straße, Alfred-Weber-Platz, Saalestraße and Alfred-Weber-Allee. Meanwhile, the square between the refectory building and teaching building 1 has not yet been given a name.

The University of Erfurt would like to involve as many of its members as possible in finding a name and is therefore calling for suggestions internally. The suggestions will be collected and evaluated by a jury consisting of the guidance and orientation system working group and the Presidium. In the end, the jury will select a proposal that will be forwarded to the street name commission of the city of Erfurt as a joint proposal of the University of Erfurt and applied for naming. The street name commission discusses the naming proposal and - if the naming is approved - submits it to the Education and Culture Committee for a decision.

Until 31 May 2022, university members can submit their proposal to the Department 4: Building Management under the keyword "naming" - by in-house post or by e-mail to: dezernat4@uni-erfurt.de.

The following should be taken into account when making suggestions:

  • Names of persons who have been deceased for at least three years or geographical names/designations are possible.
  • The name should fit thematically with the surrounding street names.
  • The name should have a connection to the University of Erfurt or to science.
  • The name must not have been given in Erfurt before.
  • The name proposal must be submitted with an appropriate justification (for persons with their biography).
  • In view of the male-dominated street names on campus, women's names are expressly desired.

It is planned to announce the final proposal internally at the university by 30 June and to pass it on to the street name commission. We will keep you informed about all further steps and news about the guidance and orientation system on our project website:  www.uni-erfurt.de/en/universitaet/aktuelles/meilensteine/guidance-system.

We look forward to your ideas and to your active participation!