The "SciComm Support", which will include a website as well as a 24-hour telephone hotline, is to be presented on Thursday, 20 July, at a joint L(a)unchtalk organised by the Federal Association of University Communications and "Wissenschaft im Dialog". The livestream on Youtube will begin at 12.30 pm. "SciComm-Support" is an independent, confidential and nationwide service and can be used not only by university staff, but also by employees at non-university research institutions.
In addition, the counselling centre "elly" has just been launched in Thuringia to provide counselling, support and assistance to those affected by hate speech.
In addition, the University of Erfurt is offering a workshop entitled "Firewall: Countering Hate on the Net" as part of its Academic Qualification Programme in September. Registrations are possible until 17 September.
You can find more information on offers of help on our website at: