| Internal service, Personalia, Service

Affiliated status for visiting scholars at the University of Erfurt

Visiting scholars, i.e. external researchers who do not have a contractual relationship with the University of Erfurt, will in future have the opportunity to obtain the affiliated status in accordance with the basic regulations for the duration of their stay at the university.

This status enables them, for example, to use the services of the University Library and the University Computer and Media Centre (URMZ). However, it is not (yet) possible to use the thoska service card. The application is form-bound and must be submitted to the President's Office in coordination with a responsible academic contact person (host) and the respective faculty management. The award will then be made by letter from the President. For more information, please visit our website at: www.uni-erfurt.de/en/research/advice-and-services/research-services.

further information / contact:

Employee, a.o. Competence-Oriented Personnel Development for Academics
(President's Office and Staff Unit University Development)
C02 | C02.01.59
Office hours
on appointment
Profile page