Research projects

University focus areas
Faculty / institution
A Physio Centric Foundation of Law - With Latin American Buen Vivir on the Way to a Universal Declaration of the Rights of Nature?
Project management
Dr. Stefan Knauß
07/2017 - 04/2021
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG):
267 228 €
The project explores the provocative claim that we do not only have the obligation to protect nature but to consider nature as a subject of rights on its own.
Project management
05/2024 - 04/2026
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF):
1 111 000 €
In the BBNE Hubs project, existing and tried-and-tested educational interventions from successful pilot projects are transferred and further consolidated.
Between Experience and Memory: Educational Paths of Christian Citizens of the GDR from Socialist Society to the Present Day
Project management
Prof. Dr. Jörg Seiler
01/2019 - 09/2025
Subproject in the research network "Dictatorship Experience and Transformation". The research project is based on the observation that the disadvantages of young Christians in the GDR are mostly remembered in close connection with socialist educational institutions. Therefore, the historical study focuses on narratives, practices and structures of inequalities in the education system and explores the educational paths of Christian citizens of the GDR.
Bildungsverbund Batterie Mitteldeutschland
Project management
Claudia Müller
04/2023 - 03/2028
7 600 000 €
Cooperation project with the aim of sustainably building up skilled labour competence for the Central German region along the entire value chain of battery cell production in two main pillars: 1. qualification as well as further and advanced training of the employees of already resident companies to shape the change, whereby SMEs in particular receive support in personnel development; 2. development of offers for retraining and further education of skilled workers as a location factor for the…
COEVOLVERS: Coevolutionary approach to unlock the transformative potential of nature-based solutions for more inclusive and resilient communities
Project management
Prof. Dr. Carsten Herrmann-Pillath
11/2022 - 10/2026
HORIZON EUROPE (Europäische Kommission):
607 500 €
Carsten Herrmann-Pillath: Over the next four years, the project will address the question of what contribution so-called "nature-based solutions" (i.e. solutions to problems based on natural processes or examples) can make to socio-ecological transformation. It focuses on precarious and disadvantaged communities, such as border regions.
Catholic Women Writers as Products and Producers of "Catholic Femininity"?
Project management
Prof. Dr. Jörg Seiler
09/2016 - 09/2023
Several donors
300 000 €
Jörg Seiler: The anti-modernist phase of Catholicism was characterized by normative Catholic ascriptions of femininity, which mostly obscured the pluralization dynamics of these decades. Persistence, change and (un)simultaneous emancipative ideas about a Catholic gender order should therefore be reconstructed in church history on the basis of biographical sources and literary works of Catholic women writers. As representatives of a liberal profession, they represented an unbound heterogeneous…
Project management
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Stutz
09/2014 - 12/2017
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF):
283 000 €
In cooperation with the Bundesverband Bildender Künstler*innen (BBK e.V. - Federal Association of Visual Artists), the University of Erfurt and the SPI Foundation are developing a qualification model for professional artists that will be scientifically monitored and evaluated. The focus of the further education is on imparting knowledge about the educational significance of artistic processes for children, especially in situations of transition.
Cinema in the GDR – Reception History 'from Below'
Project management
06/2019 - 05/2022
Several donors
456 000 €
Christiane Kuller: Until now, the history of GDR cinema has been written primarily as a history of state film policy and production, with research largely ignoring the perspective of moviegoers. This is the point of departure for the citizen science research project "Cinema in the GDR", whose goal is to develop an everyday history of GDR cinema together with contemporary witnesses.
Cooperation Project "Local Politicization of Global Norms"
Project management
01/2014 - 12/2017
Several donors
490 000 €
André Brodocz: The project examines the conditions under which egalitarian norms with a global claim to validity (such as human rights, sustainability, rule of law) actually find acceptance.
Cooperation Project "Ordering Dynamics"
Project management
01/2014 - 12/2017
Landes-Exzellenzinitiative des Landes Thüringen:
1 009 998 €
Jörg Rüpke: The research programme of the research centre understands "order" and "dynamics" as basic categories of socio-cultural reality. Order and dynamics are not simply thought of as polar opposites. Rather, the starting point is the premise that social and cultural orders in particular are forced to develop themselves 'dynamically' ("dynamic stabilisation").
Development of Video-Based Teaching and Assessment Modules for Communication Skills in Medical Education (voLeA)
Project management
Prof. Dr. Johannes Bauer
11/2018 - 10/2021
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF):
346 000 €
The voLeA project develops and tests virtual, video-based teaching-learning modules for training the communicative competence of prospective doctors and for testing the learning success. They can complement classic forms of communication training and, due to their efficiency, allow for a broad implementation. All developed components should be applicable independent of location.
Development of an Evidence-Based Communication Strategy to Promote Physical Activity Among Older and Very Old People in Germany
Project management
Prof. Dr. Constanze Rossmann
04/2018 - 02/2019
Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA):
100 000 €
The project, funded by the Federal Centre for Health Education (Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung - BZgA), is developing an evidence-based communication strategy to promote physical activity among older and very old people in Germany as part of the "Älter werden in Balance" (Getting older in balance) programme based on qualitative guideline interviews and a representative telephone survey.
Dictatorship Experience and Transformation
Project management
Prof. Dr. Christiane Kuller
01/2019 - 09/2025
Several donors
1 500 000 €
The starting point of the project is the assumption that not only individual and collective experiences during the GDR (German Democratic Republic - DDR) itself, but also the deep biographical upheavals of the post-reunification period shape the memory of the GDR. In the following decade, the political debates of 1989/90 gave rise to a conflict of memory that continues to have an impact today. This determines the time frame of the project, which takes a look at the last two decades of the GDR…
Digital Indexing of the Estate of Jan Tschichold
Project management
Prof. Dr. Dr. Patrick Rössler
10/2019 - 04/2021
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG):
110 000 €
Patrick Rössler: The importance of pictoral representations in the process of political communications is undisputed, but little is known about the standards of media image reporting in the first half of the 20th century. The aim of the proposed research project is therefore identifying empirically supported findings on longer, possibly even decades-spanning developments in this area, in order to arrive at statements about continuities and discontinuities in visual political communication and to…
Digitisation and In-depth Indexing of Manuscripts of the Bibliotheca Amploniana in the University Library of Erfurt
Project management
Gabor Kuhles
10/2019 - 09/2025
Several donors
943 130 €
By making the world's largest scientific library of a late medieval scholar, the Bibliotheca Amploniana, should be made available for international research through digital provision and its scientific indexing.
Disinformation Context and the Emergence of Fact-Checking Organisations in Europe and Latin America
Project management
08/2022 - 07/2025
In her research project, Dr Regina Cazzamatta examines different environments in which disinformation arises and how so-called fact-checking organisations in Europe and Latin America deal with it.
Divine Property. Solutions from Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
Project management
01/2021 - 12/2024
Subproject in SFB TRR294 "Structural Change of Property". The project explores various historical and conceptual foundations underlying the structural change of and through property with a view to religious practices and theories.
Erfahrungen von sozial benachteiligten Menschen im ehrenamtlichen Engagement – Was können Organisationen für die Förderung des Engagements daraus lernen?
Project management
Bettina Hollstein
04/2022 - 03/2023
Deutsche Stiftung für Engagement und Ehrenamt:
70 000 €
On the basis of qualitative interviews with socially disadvantaged volunteers in different contexts, their approaches to volunteering, their experiences in volunteering, their motives and also their perspectives, wishes and suggestions for shaping volunteering will be illuminated. Within the framework of a Citizen Science approach, the conditions for the success of the commitment of people who are particularly affected by social inequality will be developed.
Establishment of an oral history research centre
09/2021 - 09/2025
The research centre focuses on the "East German experience". The research centre takes up the specifics of the GDR and transformation period and discusses the methodology of oral history in this context. As a central institution of this kind in the East German Länder, the research centre is to be expanded into a supra-regional centre and, in terms of its design, be a building block of the nationwide network of oral history institutions that is currently being established.
European Interuniversity Graduate School on Theology in Processes of religious and societal Transformation
Project management
10/2021 - 09/2024
1 200 000 €
The European Interuniversity Graduate School on Theology in Processes of religious and societal Transformation thematically and structurally brings together theological research and the promotion of early-stage researchers from three European universities.
Expansion of the Gotha Research Library into a Research and Study Centre for the Cultural History of Protestantism in the Early Modern Period
Project management
Dr. Kathrin Paasch
03/2015 - 02/2018
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG):
534 000 €
The Gotha Research Library preserves an outstanding collection of sources on the cultural history of Protestantism in the early modern period. This is the basis of the six-year infrastructure project funded by the DFG (German Research Foundation), in which the library combines coordinated activities for the cataloguing and preservation of this important and hitherto largely unexplored material with the further development of its digital services and transfers the results of its work to science…
FBDGVisual – Development and Evaluation of Visualisations of Food-related Nutritional Recommendations
Project management
Dr. des. Sabine Best
04/2024 - 03/2026
Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL):
400 000 €
The aim of the research work is to examine existing visualisations for food-related dietary recommendations (food based dietary guidelines, FBDG) based on specific reception criteria for different target groups. Based on qualitative studies, Sabine Best's team wants to use creative techniques to identify the challenges for the target groups (e.g. children, adults, senior citizens) and develop ideas for suitable forms of visualisation. Quantitative studies will then be used to review these…
FUM – Fachfremd unterrichtende Mathematiklehrkräfte langfristig kompetenzorientiert unterstützen (supporting non-specialist maths teachers in the long term in a skills-orientated way)
Project management
(apl.) Prof. Dr. Heike Hahn
01/2024 - 06/2026
Several donors
377 000 €
Based on extensive analyses of needs, target groups and tasks, this project aims to develop specific support materials for teachers of non-specialist subjects to help them design lessons and diagnose the learning status of pupils in the subject of mathematics in grades 5/6 and 7/8 for mainstream schools. The project is aimed at teachers who have acquired a teaching qualification for two subjects (first and second state examinations) without the subject of mathematics, but who teach mathematics…
Forgotten Bauhaus Women. Fates of life in the 1930s and 1940s
Project management
Prof. Dr. Dr. Patrick Rössler
10/2021 - 01/2022
Patrick Rössler: The exhibition project "Forgotten Bauhaus Women" by the University of Erfurt and the Klassik Stiftung Weimar is dedicated to researching these fates, of which more than thirty will be presented at the Bauhaus Museum Weimar from October 2021.
From GDR Homeland Studies to Social Studies. Primary school before and after 1989
Project management
Prof. Dr. Sandra Tänzer
01/2019 - 09/2025
Subproject in the research network "Dictatorship Experience and Transformation". The average age of teachers at Thuringian schools is around 50. A large number of the primary school teachers working in Thuringia today were educated in the GDR and personally experienced the social upheaval of 1989/1990. They witnessed the change in educational policy and the transformation of the subject of local history from an ethos to a subject, which is now called local history in Thuringian primary schools.…
Generic and Subject Specific Professional Competence and Performance Measures of Teachers for General Studies
Project management
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Bernadette Gold
01/2019 - 12/2022
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG):
196 478 €
The requested study is intended to examine the connection between professional knowledge and professional perception with regard to two important dimensions of teaching, classroom management and learning support, with the quality of classroom management and learning support, with the learning progress of pupils and with the assessment of pupils, using 60 primary school teachers and their respective classes.
German Media Language Abroad
Project management
Prof. Dr. Dr. Csaba Földes
04/2019 - 03/2022
Kulturstaatsministerin für Kultur und Medien (BKM):
122 000 €
The main objective of the proposed project is the scientific research and documentation of the current German media language abroad using the example of the German minority press in Central and Eastern Europe.
Globalisation and Local Knowledge
Project management
Prof. Dr. Susanne Rau
09/2012 - 02/2016
Several donors
300 000 €
The research project is to be understood as a pilot project, which is intended to comprehensively demonstrate the research potential of the cartographic-geographical "The Gotha Perthes Collection" acquired by the Free State of Thuringia in 2003 for the first time. In addition, it is intended to contribute to the further development of the collection and to establish a virtual map laboratory, the "GlobMapLaboratory".
Gothaische Zeitung digital (1850-1918). Digitalisierung und Online-Präsentation
Project management
Dr. Dietrich Hakelberg
08/2020 - 04/2022
Staatskanzlei des Freistaats Thüringen:
55 042 €
As the historical state library of the territories of Saxony-Gotha-Altenburg and Saxony-Coburg and Gotha, the Gotha Research Library collects the regional print production in possible completeness and makes it publicly accessible. The "Gothaische Zeitung. Gothaer neueste Nachrichten" is as a long-lasting regional periodical a valuable source of political, social and economic historical information.
HEATCOM - Behavioural data for effective heat communication
Project management
Dr. Mirjam Jenny
11/2023 - 12/2026
Bundesministerium für Gesundheit (BMG):
911 000 €
The project "Behavioural data for effective heat communication – HEATCOM" investigates how citizens behave in heat situations, which factors influence their protective behaviour and which interventions could contribute to health-promoting adaptation. The aim of the project is to generate evidence that can be used by relevant organisations, authorities or the public health service to design specific communication campaigns and intervention programmes. The project will be carried out using the…
Health Games
Project management
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Betsch
06/2019 - 05/2021
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG):
340 000 €
In the preceding project "An interdisciplinary approach to explain and overcome vaccine fatigue", the vaccination decision was systematically analysed for the first time as a social interaction on the behavioural level. In three work packages of this follow-up project, we are now building directly on the proven research approach of analyzing social-interactive health decisions through interactive decision tasks (Health Games).
Hidden Histories: Frauen in ländlichen Entwicklungsprogrammen in Indien, c. 1920–1966
Project management
Dr. Maria Framke
08/2021 - 07/2024
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG):
335 000 €
The project is dedicated to contributions of Indian women to rural development programmes from about 1920 to 1966, following the call to include gender as a category of analysis in the history of development. The aim of the project is to examine the role of women in the design and implementation of governmental and non-governmental rural development projects in India in the key areas of health, education and livelihoods, and in this way to re-capture the processes of development and citizenship.…
History of the State Ministries in Baden and Württemberg During the NS Era
Project management
Prof. Dr. Christiane Kuller
01/2014 - 12/2018
Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg:
207 800 €
The project deals with one of the last major gaps in research on the NS regime: the supreme state authorities and their involvement in NS crimes. After decades of research oriented towards political history had marginalized the importance of the "assimilated" state authorities, attention has recently been drawn to this research desideratum in connection with studies of administrative history.
Implementation and Evaluation of a Learning Workshop at the University of Erfurt
Project management
01/2016 - 06/2019
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF):
489 000 €
The guiding question of the project is: How can the learning workshop (Lernwerkstatt) approach be integrated curricularly and didactically into the teacher training programme of the University of Erfurt, and what effects does the learning workshop didactics have on professionalisation processes in the first phase of teacher training?
Institutionalising the law of nature and nations: The universities of Kiel, Greifswald and Rostock 1648–1806
Project management
Dr. Mikkel Munthe Jensen
07/2022 - 06/2026
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG):
350 000 €
The project is about the history of the teaching of natural law at the three north German universities in Kiel, Greifswald and Rostock during the period 1648–1806. It is concerned with why, how and to what extent this academic discipline developed in three different political settings along the Baltic coast. The project is based on the general presumption that natural law was of great significance for the period’s intellectual development and state building endeavours. The general aim of the…
JITSUVAX. Jiu-jitsu with misinformation in the age of COVID: Using refutation-based learning to enhance vaccine uptake and knowledge among healthcare professionals and the public.
Project management
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Betsch
04/2021 - 03/2025
Horizon 2020 (EU):
747 584 €
Vaccine hesitancy—the delay or refusal of vaccination without medical indication—has been cited as a serious threat to global health by the World Health Organization (WHO), attributing it to misinformation on the internet. The WHO has also identified Health Care Professionals (HCPs) as the most trusted influencers of vaccination decisions. JITSUVAX leverages those insights to turn toxic misinformation into a potential asset.
Journalists and their audience in the digital age
Project management
PD Dr. Nicole Podschuweit
05/2021 - 04/2024
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF):
460 000 €
Nicole Podschuweit: The project uses qualitative and quantitative surveys to investigate how reciprocal expectations and their fulfilment or violation influence journalism-audience relations and social developments. Within this framework, the Erfurt sub-project illuminates the perspective of the audience.
KEEP Panel Thuringia: Cognitive development of decision-making competence and social participation
Project management
Prof. Dr. Tilmann Betsch
09/2021 - 08/2024
Freistaat Thüringen:
397 000 €
Tilmann Betsch: In this project we are investigating which developmental steps lead to decision-making competence in complex modern environments, how this can be promoted and which factors determine the cognitive development of decision-making competence from primary school age.
KLIMA-Netzwerk für mehr Nachhaltigkeit in Thüringen. Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE)
Project management
Bettina Hollstein
10/2022 - 09/2025
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF):
300 000 €
The sub-project of the University of Erfurt deals with exemplary transformative teaching-learning arrangements (LLA), which are to be evaluated with regard to their sustainability and transformational relevance. On this basis, conditions for success for transformative CLIMA-LLA and quality development measures are to be developed.
KNOWPRO: Knowledge Production in German Peace and Security Policy
04/2022 - 03/2026
Using Afghanistan and Somalia as case studies, the project examines the peace and security policy knowledge production in Germany and East Africa on participation in interventions in internal wars with military or financial means.
KarAfAs – Cartographies of Africa and Asia
Project management
02/2021 - 01/2023
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF):
370 000 €
The subject of this indexing are the maps of Africa and Asia published until 1945 - a total of 35,349 map sheets - as a central core holdings of the Perthes Collection preserved by the Gotha Research Library of the University of Erfurt. The online presentation and permanent storage of the digital copies will take place in the Digital Historical Library Erfurt/Gotha, which is maintained and hosted by the Thuringian University and State Library Jena (ThULB). In this way, the maps will be made…
KoProNa - Concepts for the Professionalisation of Training Personnel for Sustainable Vocational Training
Project management
Claudia Müller
05/2016 - 04/2019
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF):
500 000 €
The aim of the "KoProNa" project is to support companies and educational institutions in developing and implementing concepts and strategies for sustainable vocational education and training on the basis of the general conditions in the company.
Kolleg-Research Group "Religion and Urbanity"
Project management
10/2018 - 09/2026
Several donors
10 500 000 €
Susanne Rau & Jörg Rüpke: Cities and religion(s) have had a deep impact on each other. Up to now, research has focused on religion in cities - on the reciprocal changes in religious practices and urban space, at best in "global cities" and in the present. We want to fill the research gap that has arisen in this way by investigating the historical depth of the reciprocal formation within the framework of a collegiate research group.
LINKED - Music Learning in Postdigital Communities
Project management
12/2017 - 03/2021
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF):
359 000 €
The collaborative project MuBiTec addresses the special educational potential that results from the mediamorphosis of artistic-musical practice in the context of digital mobile technologies.
Lived Ancient Religion – Questioning "Cults" and "Polis Religion"
Project management
Prof. Dr. Jörg Rüpke
06/2013 - 05/2017
European Research Council (ERC):
2 300 000 €
Jörg Rüpke: This project, funded by the European Research Council (ERC), takes a completely new perspective on the religious history of Mediterranean antiquity, starting from the individual and "lived" religion instead of cities or peoples. "Lived ancient religion" suggests a set of experiences, of practices addressed to, and conceptions of the divine, which are appropriated, expressed, and shared by individuals in diverse social spaces.
M.S. Merian – R. Tagore International Centre of Advanced Studies "Metamorphoses of the Political" (ICAS-MP)
Project management
08/2015 - 06/2027
Several donors
380 519 €
Martin Fuchs: ICAS-MP combines the benefits of an open, interdisciplinary forum for intellectual exchange with the advantages of a cutting-edge research centre. The centre focuses on key political processes that have emerged in parallel in many parts of the world during the twentieth century through to the present day, processes that are entangled yet heterogeneous.
Max Planck Research Prize "Religion and Modernity: Secularization, Social and Religious Plurality"
Project management
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans Joas
01/2016 - 12/2022
750 000 €
Hans Joas searches for the connecting factors and possibilities of understanding between religion and modernity and has developed a model for this purpose with which religious patterns of experience can be interpreted and described.
MusCoDA – Musical Communities in the (Post)Digital Age
Project management
12/2020 - 11/2024
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF):
422 000 €
MusCoDA examines songwriting processes as an example of collective creativity in (post-)digital communities. The Paderborn (University) sub-project focuses on informal bands, while the Erfurt sub-project looks at songwriting in schools. Collaborative and cooperative learning in divergent educational contexts will be researched, the intertwining of informal and formal self-learning processes in digitally networked communities will be reconstructed, the respective constitutive role of digital and…
Project management
03/2023 - 02/2028
The research institutions located on the Gotha Research Campus of the University of Erfurt - Gotha Research Library and Gotha Research Centre as well as the Centre for Transcultural Studies / Perthes Collection - are participating together with other partners in the so-called NFDI-4Memory consortium led by the Leibniz Institute for European History (IEG) in Mainz. 4Memory is one of several consortia in Germany that are working together to build a long-term and sustainable National Research Data…
Nutrition, Health and Modern Society: Germany and the United States
Project management
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Martschukat
10/2015 - 10/2018
1 000 000 €
The research project aims to work out the significance of nutrition and health for the order of modern societies from the 19th century to the present. The empirical focus is on the USA and Germany, so that regional differences as well as the dynamics of interdependence in globalizing constellations become apparent.
Pattern-Based Expectations in Macroeconomics
Project management
Prof. Dr. Tobias Rötheli
11/2012 - 11/2015
Tobias Rötheli: This project deals with the collection and modelling of expectations with regard to macroeconomic studies.
Politics and the Future of Work in Middle-Income Countries (PolDigWork). How Hopes and Fears about Digitalization Shape Opinions on Social and Labour Policies
Project management
Prof. Dr. Achim Kemmerling
10/2022 - 10/2025
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG):
716 027 €
The project looks at the social and political impact of digitalization and automation for labour markets in selected middle-income countries. For three years, a team will employ a mixed methods approach with an original survey component combined with social network analysis as well as case studies from Mexico, South Africa and Indonesia.
Postcolonial Hierarchies in Peace and Conflict
Project management
04/2022 - 03/2026
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF):
4 000 000 €
The Network investigates how historically formed postcolonial hierarchies manifest themselves in contemporary conflict dynamics and what implications this has for sustainable conflict transformation in the future. To do so, the Network brings together historical perspectives on the contexts of conflict formation (in particular those shaped by colonialism) with postcolonial research perspectives as well as with methodologies and theories of peace and conflict research.These perspectives are…
Probabilistic Decisions of Children
Project management
Prof. Dr. Tilmann Betsch
10/2013 - 12/2020
Several donors
592 000 €
At what age and under what conditions do children systematically use probabilistic information in decision-making? How do they use it - as criteria for orienting selective information searches and/or as weights of values in the integration of information? With regard to these questions, the empirical research findings are poor and inconsistent. Against the background of two model classes of decision making (multiple strategy approach vs. connectionist approach) competing assumptions about…
Property and habit. On the political anthropology of ownership in Western modernity
Project management
01/2021 - 12/2024
Subproject in the SFB TRR294 "Structural Change of Property". The project is dedicated to the political anthropology of ownership between the eighteenth and early twentieth century. It investigates an assumption that is widespread in the humanities: that ownership structures bring about the formation of specific habits.
Protestantism and the Debates about the German Welfare State
Project management
Prof. Dr. Christiane Kuller
01/2013 - 12/2019
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG):
428 700 €
Social Protestantism in the Federal Republic of Germany has developed a new profile since the 1960s. At the same time, and in interaction with it, German society has undergone fundamental changes in its living environment, values and culture. In dealing with the economic and social challenges and in view of the increasing scientific character of the relevant debates, Protestantism adopted central dispositions of thought, some of which went back to the Weimar period, and realigned itself in terms…
Reception of the Works of Nicholas of Cusa in the Manuscripts from the Erfurt Charterhouse at the End of the 15th Century
09/2016 - 08/2017
1 416 000 €
Mikhail Khorkov: My project attempts to clarify the extraordinary reception of the Works of Nicholas of Cusa (1401–1464) in the manuscripts from the Erfurt Charterhouse at the end of the 15th century. The main object of study in my project is collected manuscript Weimar, Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek, Q 51 (previously: Erfurt, Kartause Salvatorberg, D 51). It originated in the Erfurt Charterhouse at the end of 15th century, perhaps under the influence of mystical theology of the famous Erfurt…
Religious individualisation and nationalism in modern Europe through the lens of alternative spirituality and Western esotericism (1823–1939)
09/2016 - 08/2017
1 416 000 €
Marco Pasi: My project at the MWK focuses on the complex interplay between religious individualisation, nationalism, and alternative spirituality in modern Europe. I intend to carry out my research by focusing on four case studies, based on four exemplary figures of European history: the Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz (1798–1855), the Italian political activist Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872), the Irish poet William Butler Yeats (1865–1939), and the Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa (1888–1935).
Research Campus Digital Teacher Education
Project management
Prof. Dr. Gerd Mannhaupt
01/2020 - 12/2024
Several donors
1 330 400 €
With the project "Research Campus Digital Teacher Education", the University of Erfurt is helping to shape the digital change in education, because the key to the success of digitisation in education lies, among other things, in the comprehensive training of teachers.
Research Centre Johann Gottfried Herder
Project management
Dr. Dominik Fugger
Fritz Thyssen Stiftung:
195 000 €
The Johann-Gottfried-Herder Research Centre at the Max-Weber-Kolleg was launched in 2015. It sees itself as an interdisciplinary platform for the research and scientific exchange of Herder's work. A special concern for the centre is the grouping together of the different facets of Herder's thinking.
Research Laboratory MasterMind
Project management
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Bernadette Gold
07/2016 - 07/2019
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF):
500 000 €
The professionalisation of teachers requires a self-critical and evaluative attitude towards their own patterns of action and professional work routines. This is the only way that teachers can repeatedly review their own actions and weigh up improvements during their many years in the profession. The objectives of the "MasterMind Research Laboratory" are therefore to provide research-methodological support for the Master's thesis in teaching and to promote a research-oriented attitude among…
Research Network External Democracy Promotion (EDP)
Project management
Prof. Dr. Solveig Richter
07/2015 - 06/2018
24 000 €
Solveig Richter: The research network 'External Democracy Promotion' (EDP) brings together political scientists from Germany who work at the interface between international relations and comparative political science. Our common interest lies in the area of cross-border activities of states, non-state actors and international organisations working to establish, improve or defend democracy in third countries. The EDP Network is a collaborative project of six partner institutions: the two Leibniz…
Social Justice under the Condition of Scarcity- social-ethical research on the future of social security in Germany on the condition of controlled and uncontrolled migration
Project management
Prof. Dr. Elke Mack
01/2016 - 12/2019
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG):
344 000 €
Elke Mack: With reference to the newer philosophical and Christian-ethical debate on immigration, a set of ethical criteria will be developed, which spell out when, to what extent and in which form the admission of immigrants in western welfare states like Germany is a universal obligation, normatively just and ethical, while at the same time considering the limited capacities of national social institutions.
Spaces and Objects
Project management
Prof. Dr. Susanne Rau
07/2013 - 12/2016
Stiftung Mercator:
145 000 €
The research project serves as a preparation for teaching and research in the field of collections-based history of knowledge and culture. The funding will benefit the initiation and further development of the new M.A. programme in "Collections-Based History of Knowledge and Culture", which the university has been offering since the winter semester 2014/15.
Structure and Conditions of Origin of Reporting on Latin America in the German Press
Project management
Prof. Dr. Kai Hafez
10/2014 - 09/2018
Kai Hafez: The aim of this work is to examine the structural characteristics of Latin American foreign reporting and its news factors, as well as different levels and aspects of the conditions under which it is produced. For this purpose, a multi-method design was developed that combines quantitative and qualitative content analysis.
Subproject UniSchulPlattform
01/2020 - 12/2024
Sub-project in the project "Forschungscampus digitale Lehrer*innenbildung". The UniSchoolPlatform is an experimental learning platform for students and university lecturers as well as pupils and teachers at partner schools of the University of Erfurt.
Subproject: Video.LinK
Project management
01/2020 - 12/2024
Sub-project of the project"Forschungscampus digitale Lehrer*innenbildung". The aim of the project Video.LinK (Videos in Teacher Education - Teacher Education Phases in Cooperation) is to promote subject-specific and pedagogical-psychological competences in prospective teachers in the context of a digital video-based learning environment and in cooperation with the second phase of teacher education.
Supplementary User-Specific Information Material to Impart Relevant Knowledge for the Management of Exceptional Biological Hazards to Strengthen Crisis Management (ERIM)
Project management
05/2018 - 12/2020
Bundesministerium für Gesundheit (BMG):
430 000 €
ERIM is a project sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Health (Bundesministerium für Gesundheit - BMG) and led by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) for the development of supplementary information materials to support physicians in private practice in exceptional biological hazard situations in order to promote good crisis management.
SvStud - Scalable behavioural economic measures to ensure study success
Project management
Prof. Dr. Oliver Himmler
02/2021 - 01/2024
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF):
440 000 €
The SvStud project follows on from the predecessor project VStud and deals with behavioural economic approaches to ensure the success of studies and to avoid dropouts.
TAM - Tablets and Apps in Mathematics Education
Project management
(apl.) Prof. Dr. Heike Hahn
01/2019 - 12/2019
Several donors
40 000 €
The aim of the teaching innovation is to further develop the content and concept of a compulsory module in the teaching-focused master's programme in such a way that students are enabled to use tablets and apps in mathematics lessons in a targeted and comprehension-supporting way.
TRANS-SUSTAIN - Transversal Competence Management for More Sustainability in Occupational Profiles Using the Example of the Butcher's Trade and the Meat Products Industry
Project management
(apl.) Prof. Dr. Matthias Vonken
06/2019 - 04/2021
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF):
171 000 €
The project "TRANS-SUSTAIN" stands for the research and development of a holistic and transversal competence framework as well as the correspondingly associated competence-promoting environment and instruments in the field of application of small and medium-sized butcher's businesses that practice slaughtering or meat processing as well as the sale of meat and sausage products.
The Historical Sources of the Reformation and Historiography of the Early 18th Century at Friedenstein Castle Gotha
Project management
Dr. Kathrin Paasch
05/2014 - 04/2017
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG):
270 000 €
The Gotha Research Library preserves a top-class collection on the cultural history of Protestantism in the early modern period, which was compiled by the Dukes of Saxony-Gotha. An essential component of this unique handwritten tradition, which reaches far beyond the Central German cultural area, is the estate of the theologian and church historian Ernst Salomon Cyprian (1673-1745), which is to be catalogued in the project.
The Role of Interpersonal Political Communication in the Process of Media Effects
Project management
PD Dr. Nicole Podschuweit
10/2014 - 09/2017
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG):
300 000 €
Nicole Podschuweit: The aims of the project are, first, to develop a theoretical approach to explain the effects of interpersonal political communication on media effects and, second, to empirically answer the question of whether interpersonal communication tends to increase or decrease media effects on political opinions, attitudes and behavior.
The Visualization of the Political in German Magazines 1905 to 1945
Project management
Prof. Dr. Dr. Patrick Rössler
04/2016 - 10/2019
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG):
200 000 €
Patrick Rössler: The importance of pictoral representations in the process of political communications is undisputed, but little is known about the standards of media image reporting in the first half of the 20th century. The aim of the proposed research project is therefore identifying empirically supported findings on longer, possibly even decades-spanning developments in this area, in order to arrive at statements about continuities and discontinuities in visual political communication and to…
The birth of rights universalism from reformed international law. The natural law of Heinrich and Samuel Cocceji and its controversial reception in the European Enlightenment
Project management
Dr. Stefanie Ertz
02/2024 - 01/2027
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG):
317 000 €
The aim of the project, which at the same time further strengthens the focus on natural law at the Gotha Research Centre, is to explore the natural law teachings of Heinrich Cocceji (1644–1719) and his son and editor Samuel Cocceji (1679–1755). In a monograph, Cocceji's natural law, which centres on a theocratic-voluntarist concept of inalienable liberties, will be presented in its political and ideological-historical contexts and in its controversial reception in the European Enlightenment. …
The recovered manuscript Ms Eisenach 1361 of the Wartburg Foundation and its partial parallels: edition and situating in space and time
Project management
Dr. Jana Ilnicka
02/2021 - 01/2024
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG):
328 400 €
Jana Ilnicka: With this project I would like to offer a critical edition of the texts of the Wartburg manuscript, which will be made accessible to medieval research as a whole, especially to research on gender and women's education issues and also to Eckhart research. Furthermore, in addition to the critical edition of the manuscript, contributions to situating these texts in local and contemporary discourses will be developed, which will serve to prepare a theoretical monograph on issues of…
Time and space in the transition to adulthood: setting the basis for empirical investigations on youth
09/2016 - 08/2017
1 416 000 €
Valentina Cuzzocrea: The research line I will develop while at MWK intends to explore contextually notions of time and space in the transitions to adulthood, elaborating on the contribute that social theory can bring to the study of young people and critically assessing the ‘mobility turn’ discourse in view of the fundamental need of young find for themselves a place in the (adults) world. This work is intended to be preparatory for further empirical investigations on this theme.
Transfer und Individualisierung videobasierter Assessmentmodule zur Gesprächskompetenz im Medizinstudium – voLeA TraIn
Project management
Prof. Dr. Johannes Bauer
11/2021 - 04/2024
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF):
260 297 €
voLeA-TraIn (follow-up funding to voLeA) is a joint project funded by the BMBF between medical didactics (TU Munich) and empirical educational research (University of Erfurt). In the Erfurt subproject, the video-based Situational Judgment Test for medical interviewing developed in the first funding phase is being transferred to other medical faculties and expanded to include feedback features.
Project management
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Betsch
01/2015 - 12/2015
Regional Office for Europe of the World Health Organization (WHO):
21 400 €
This collaborative project between the Regional Office fpr Europe of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the University of Erfurt is developing a theory-based and evidence-based reference document on communication in vaccine-related emergencies. This document will form a component of the WHO training programme for the 53 member states to strengthen countries' communication capacity in this area.
Vaccination 60+ (Impfen 60+)
Project management
10/2016 - 09/2019
2 136 000 €
Vaccination 60+ (Impfen 60+) is a pharma-independent, scientific cooperative project of the research initiative InfectControl 2020 within the framework of the funding measure "Zwanzig20 - Partnerschaft für Innovation" (2020 Partnership for Innovation) of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Together, psychologists and communication scientists from the University of Erfurt, designers from the Lindgrün GmbH agency and medical doctors and health economists from the University…
Western Traditionalism/Perennialism and its Influence on Orthodox Christianity
Project management
Prof. Dr. Vasilios N. Makrides
05/2017 - 04/2020
Several donors
211 400 €
Vasilios N. Makrides: The research project aims to undertake a comparative analysis of the reflection on the position of Orthodox Christianity in modernity and with regard to religious pluralism, which is called "Orthodox Perennialism". The latter represents an orthodox reception of certain Western esoteric approaches to an "eternal philosophy" ("philosophia perennis") in various religions and is an attempt to rethink and articulate the spiritual and religious contours of the Orthodox presence…
What is Western about the West?
Project management
Prof. Dr. Holt Meyer
02/2018 - 01/2021
Several donors
420 000 €
The project focuses on spatio-temporal practices regarding the production and representation of westernness. With the question of what is Western about the West, it takes up a highly political and socially relevant question.

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