| Faculty of Catholic Theology, Religion, Society, and World Relations, Research

Synode als Chance

Julia Knop, Matthias Remenyi, Matthias Sellmann and Tine Stein (eds.)


Julia Knop, Matthias Remenyi, Matthias Sellmann and Tine Stein (eds.)
Synode als Chance
Zur Performativität synodaler Ereignisse
(series: Quaestiones disputatae, Volume 337)
Herder publishing house, 2024
ISBN: 978-3-451-02337-8
344 pages
58 EUR
also available as an e-book

Synods are formats for finding answers to church questions. They describe church leadership as a team. But what contributes to a synod really achieving results? How does cooperative church leadership work in a church that is strictly hierarchically organised both locally and as a global church? What performative quality do synodal events develop at local and global church level? How do synodal deliberations and decisions succeed in the face of the blatant challenges facing the Catholic Church in the transformation processes of the 21st century? This volume undertakes comparative analyses and in-depth theological, historical, social science and legal studies of synodal events in Germany and the universal church: the synods of the 1970s in Würzburg (1971–1975) and Dresden (1973–1975), the Synodal Path (2019–2023) and the World Synod (2021–2024). At the same time, he asks: What effects did the past synods have and what results can be expected from the World Synod?

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