Many physical and psychological complaints can be alleviated or resolved by living in harmony with oneself and one's environment. The areas of application for singing bowls are wide-ranging and include the treatment of tension, physical complaints and psychological problems. Sabine Kalkofe-Roth will initially be offering appointments for sound and relaxation therapy on 16 January, 20 February and 20 March 2025 from 9.30 am to 3 pm. Further appointments can be made by e-mail:
Please note: The offer must be paid for by the users themselves (30 minutes cost 25 euros) and is not counted as working time. Anyone wishing to use the sound and relaxation therapy must deregister for this time using their student identity card (thoska) (ZEUS web terminal) and, if the time falls within core working hours, must first clarify with their line manager that no urgent work tasks prevent them from attending.