The workshop is titled “The Future of Work in Public and Private Sector in Indonesia: What can be learned from each other?” The workshop was conducted on the 23rd of July 2023, in Jakarta, Indonesia, with the support of local collaborators Faculty of Administrative Sciences of Universitas Indonesia and CELIOS Think Tank. The workshop is aimed to gather information and encourage cross-sectoral exchanges in the digitalization and the future of work topics in Indonesia. Around 40 attendees, from ministries (Finance, State Secretariat, Education & Research, Economic Affairs, and Information & Technology), Social Security Body, Trade/Labour Unions, Think Tanks, Academics, and German agencies in Indonesia, were present at the event. The event has created fruitful discussion and became the platform for the PolDigWork project to kick off the field research on its Indonesian case study.
The event continued with an academic talk sponsored by DAAD Regional Office Jakarta on the Future of Work in Indonesia, with Prof. Achim Kemmerling and Dr. Muhamad Yopan from Universitas Indonesia as the main speaker.