8. May 2024, 6.00 pm
"Handlungsfähigkeit statt Schockstarre. Von der Komplexität der Gegenwart und der Wehrhaftigkeit der Demokratie"
Faculty of Philosophy
Regina Schilling (director, Berlin), Fiona Wachberger (philosopher, University of Lucerne), Johanna Hügel (historian, University of Erfurt)
Film discussion with Regina Schilling (director, Berlin) and Fiona Wachberger (philosopher, University of Lucerne). The event will be moderated by Johanna Hügel (historian, University of Erfurt).
In her documentary "Diese Sendung ist kein Spiel - Die unheimliche Welt des Eduard Zimmermann" (This programme is not a game - The uncanny world of Eduard Zimmermann), Regina Schilling has worked out which images of fear were created by the programme "Aktenzeichen XY... Ungelöst" and cultivated over decades in the Federal Republic of Germany. We want to discuss the continuing presence and power of these images of fear and their political appropriation and, in particular, how we can counter the fears fuelled here.