Gunnar Folke Schuppert
Über Herrschaft
Praktiken, Verständnisse und Rechtfertigungen von Herrschaft – Ein soziologischer und historischer Streifzug
Beiträge zu normativen Grundlagen der Gesellschaft 13
Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck Verlag, 2023
ISBN 978-3-16-162507-7
XXV, 515 pages
124,00 €
Gunnar Folke Schuppert presents a multidisciplinary approach to the phenomenon of political rule. The focus here is on historical, sociological, legal and political science perspectives, each illustrated by specific epochs and personalities of rule.
The first part of the work offers a sociological foundation of political rule and in this context deals with the necessary institutional infrastructure of any rule. Gunnar Folke Schuppert then recognises rule as a bundle of diverse social relationships. Building on this, he describes five selected modes of exercising power: power qua charisma and authority, power through and as communication, power through law and the relationship between power and religion. Finally, it deals with understandings of rule and the claims to rule derived from them as well as central questions of legitimisation of rule.