| Campus Gotha, Gotha Research Library, Historisches Seminar, Religion, Society, and World Relations, Knowledge, Spaces, and Media, Research

Manuscripts of the Gotha Research Library to be featured in Al Jazeera documentary "Dishes of the Ancestors"

"Food of the Ancestors" (Mawāʾid al-aǧdād) is the title of the six-part documentary in Arabic recently broadcast on the Al Jazeera Documentary Channel, which was filmed at the Gotha Research Library of the University of Erfurt, among other places.

The producer, Elmozafar Kotoz Abdelhafiz of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, is a former member of the now completed MIDA ("Mediating Islam in the Digital Age") research programme, in which the research library also participated. His documentary sheds light on the Arabic-Islamic culinary heritage through the oldest surviving handwritten works in Arabic on food and cuisine.

Read our post on the Gotha Research Library blog (in German only).

further information / contact:

Curator of the Oriental Manuscript Collection
(Gotha Research Library)
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