| Internal service, University Computer and Media Centre, Service, Studies

Microsoft 365: Registration option for students activated

From now on, students at the University of Erfurt can register for the use of Microsoft 365 and subsequently use the software or services.

Members of the Thuringian Universities have the option of using Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus, a collection of online services and the classic Office applications, on private or self-administered computers as part of a state contract. In the course of a change in the framework contract, however, changes have now become necessary in the registration for the use of the software. The background to this is that the option of registering for the previous offer "Office365 ProPlus for students and employees" has been discontinued (see also information dated 11 February 2022).

The transitional phase, during which users who use the old Microsoft client (@TechnischeUnivers049.onmicrosoft.com) can still back up their data independently, is expected to end on 31.12.2022. (Information on managing multiple Microsoft accounts can be found on Microsoft's support pages: https://support.microsoft.com/de-de).

In order to continue using Microsoft services on their private devices, students at the University of Erfurt must re-register. Please note: Use is only permitted for study-related or official purposes during the licensed period. Use for commercial or private purposes is not provided for in the licence conditions. Only personal, non-transferable licences are provided. In order to use the services, personal data from the university's local user directory is also transferred to Microsoft.

Students who would like to use the service can register now. You can find out how this works on the University Computer and Media Center (URMZ) website at: www.uni-erfurt.de/en/universitaetsrechen-und-medienzentrum/beratung-und-hilfe/windows-arbeitsplatzsysteme/microsoft-365. Here you will also find further information on use, data protection and licensing.