| Faculty of Catholic Theology, Religion, Society, and World Relations, Research

Brochure"Wegtexturen" of the Faculty of Catholic Theology published

In the run-up to the fourth assembly of the Synodal Way from September 8 to 10, 2022, the Faculty of Catholic Theology of the University of Erfurt has now published "Wegtexturen", a collection of texts dedicated to the topic of clerical abuse of power from the perspective of those affected and victims.

At the Third Synodal Assembly, which took place from February 3 to 5, 2022, the basic text "Power and Division of Powers in the Church – Sharing and Participating in the Mission" was adopted by a majority. One quotation from it already moved the minds particularly in the discussion about the basic text: "The Catholic Church must always put the structures in which it lives its power to the test anew. [...] It must listen to the voice of those who were and are affected by ecclesiastical abuse of power. In them, according to the certificate of the Holy Scriptures (Mt 5:1-12; Mt 25:31-46), the voice of Christ becomes audible. Their cry is a special locus theologicus for our time."

"Loci theologici are instances of interpretation and judgment (in) the Church. Which ones and how many are named varies over time. What is crucial is that they are given meaning and why: because in them God's Word and will are heard," says Julia Knop, a member of the Synod Assembly and professor of dogmatics at the Faculty of Catholic Theology. Starting from this "place of theological knowledge," scholars at the Faculty of Catholic Theology have looked at the "voice of those who were and are affected by ecclesiastical abuse of power." Their contributions have now been published in the booklet "Wegtexturen".