| Equal opportunity office, Internal service, Research, Service

Apply now for the "Hilde Domin Scholarship Programme"

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers the "Hilde Domin Programme" with funding from the Federal Foreign Office. The scholarship programme is intended to support students at risk worldwide as well as doctoral candidates who are formally or de facto denied the right to education in their country of origin to take up or continue their studies in English in order to obtain a degree or doctorate at a German university.

However, potential candidates cannot apply for the Hilde Domin Programme on their own, but are nominated by the management (Presidium/Rectorate) of an institution or organisation.

Proposals for the nomination of doctoral candidates can be submitted to the University of Erfurt in the Research and Graduate Services Department by e-mail at nachwuchsfoerderung@uni-erfurt.de until 14 September 2022. Successful nominees can then submit an application after being invited by the DAAD until 28 October 2022. Further information can be found on the website "News for Early-Stage Researchers" at the University of Erfurt.