In the article "Comparing Frame Repertoires of Mainstream and Right-Wing Alternative Media" in Digital Journalism, Tilman Klawier (University of Hohenheim), Fabian Prochazka and Wolfgang Schweiger (University of Hohenheim) examine the question of how alternative media frame political events and distinguish themselves from journalistic mainstream media. We identify different frame repertoires, ranging from an extensive approximation of journalistic reporting (mimicry) to open opposition.
Click here for the study.
In the article "How News Audiences Allocate Trust in the Digital Age: A Figuration Perspective" in Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, Frank Mangold (GESIS Cologne), Marko Bachl (University of Hohenheim) and Fabian Prochazka examine how young adults combine trust in different media genres and also include interpersonal contacts as sources of information. We come across four "trust figurations", which are described in more detail in the open access publication: Cynics, Optimists, Indifferents and Differentiators.
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