Eine empirisch fundierte Kritik der Resonanzverhältnisse
(Series: Rekonstruktive Bildungsforschung, REKONBILD, volume 38)
Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2022
ISBN (Print): 978-3-658-37285-9
ISBN (eBook): 978-3-658-37286-6
391 pages
69,99 EUR (print)
54,99 (eBook)
Based on significant and persistent effectiveness deficits, Lea Kallenbach takes a broader perspective on evidence-based governance of the school system in this paper. This is done in two ways: theoretically on the basis of the sociology of world relations (Rosa 2016) and empirically via the development and application of a reconstructive approach. This opens up new avenues of interpretation that understand the failure of evidence-based governance as an interface problem between individual levels of the school system.