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First PhD Students' Days at the University of Erfurt

The Committee of PhD Representatives invites all PhD students at the University of Erfurt to the first PhD Students' Days from 23 to 25 May 2022.

There will be a morning meeting every day from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Hilgenfeld Campus Café, where participants can start the day in a relaxed atmosphere. The meeting is bilingual. Afterwards, the participants start the respective programme:

Monday, 23.05.22
Doing a doctorate at the University of Erfurt: How can I get support?
12:15 – 13:45 // location: LG2/131 // language: English
At this kick-off event, you will learn all the must-know facts about doing a doctorate in Erfurt: Which contact persons should I definitely know? What about the budget situation? What are the advantages of a graduate centre? What does the doctoral students' representation do? At this information event, you will get to know us, the Office for the Promotion of Research and Young Academics, and helpful contact persons.

Christoph Martin Wieland Forum
2-4 p.m.
Our Vice President for Research and Graduate Services, Professor Benedikt Kranemann, invites all doctoral students and postdocs to the Christoph Martin Wieland Forum discussion. Here we have the opportunity to ask questions and find out news about the promotion of young talent.

Get-Together at Double B
7 p.m. // location: Double B, Marbacher Gasse 10 // language: bilingual
Satisfy your hunger, drink a beer after work, meet new people: We will spend this early summer evening together on the terrace of Double B.

Tuesday, 24.05.22
Active Break
10.30-11 // location: administration building, room 1.37 // language: German
Sitting in front of the computer for a long time but also one-sided stress can lead to muscular tension in the shoulder-neck area or cause back pain. The "Active Break" can provide relief. With the support of our health partner AOK PLUS, exercise instructor Susanne Wolter will perform exercises to improve strength and flexibility, as well as stretching and relaxation exercises, so that we can get back to work with renewed energy.

Yoga trial course
13.15-14 // location: wardrobe under the Audimax // language: German
Because it simply feels so good: This course with Gudrun Hoch can help to harmonize life, awaken dormant abilities and unite with true self-awareness. Common practice of postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama) and relaxation exercises are on the program for yoga beginners and experienced alike.

In conversation with ver.di about precarious working conditions in science and academia
16:15 – 17:45 // location: teaching building 4, room D01 // language: German
Research excites you, but it could be a little more planned and securely? Who is actually #IchbinHanna? Erik Wolf from ver.di discusses working conditions in science with us.

City tour for doctoral candidates
meeting point: mouse and elephant at Anger // language: bilingual
Why is Erfurt so beautiful? What is the Erfurt Blue all about? Where can you get the best coffee and which bar is a must? Jenny will guide us through the old town and share her favorite Erfurt anecdotes with us. The tour is also super exciting for old-established Erfurt residents. 

19:30 Get-Together at the Petersberg
19.30 // location: Petersberg at the boules fields // language: bilingual
After the guided city tour we will meet for a picnic on the Petersberg near the boules fields. Together we will end the day, feast, and possibly experience a great sunset. Please bring your own picnic blanket and drink.

Wednesday, 25.05.22
Campus tour for doctoral candidates
1-2 p.m.// meeting point: main entrance at Glasbox // language: bilingual
For those who are new to campus or want to get an overview of campus life again after two years of home office. The campus specialists will guide us around campus and show us all the important places PhD candidates should know and love.

ErfurtLab and Open Science: Empirical Research for the Dissertation
14.15-15.45 // meeting point: teaching building 2, lecture hall 6 // language: English
The campus tour ends at the ErfurtLab. There, Thomas Lauer (Scientific Managing Director) will introduce us to the infrastructure of the research lab and tell us how ErfurtLab can help us with our dissertation. We will also get to know the EFOSI (Erfurt Open Science Initiative).