Possibilities for financing studies

Even though there are no general tuition fees in Thuringia: Studying costs money. That is why you should think about the costs you will have to expect and how you want to finance your studies early on. Whether it is semester fees or expenses for learning materials, rent, food, travel costs or telephone - what you think about from the beginning will not break your budget later on.

What does it cost to study?

1. Expenses for rent including additional costs

Students in Saxony have the lowest rental expenses with an average of 317 €, the highest expenses in Cologne with an average of 442 € per month. The average expenditure for student housing is therefore 410 €, in Erfurt 330 € per month.

The amount of money spent on rent also depends on the type of housing in question: whether living at home with parents, in a hall of residence, a shared flat (WG), subletting or in your own flat (with or without a partner) - the options are varied.

Further information on living in the university city of Erfurt

Further information on living in the university city of Erfurt

2. Expenses for food, clothing and learning materials

Students spend 198 € per month on food and 46 € on clothing. The monthly expenditure for learning materials such as specialist literature, stationery, copies, printer cartridges, which can vary depending on the chosen field of study, amounts to about 31 €.


3. Expenses for travel costs

The monthly expenditure for a car and/or public transport is 89 €.

Free travel

Students at the University of Erfurt and the University of Applied Sciences only incur costs for public transport outside of Thuringia, as the semester ticket entitles you to free use of trams and buses in Erfurt and regional transport in Thuringia. Excluded from this is long-distance travel on the Deutsche Bahn (ICE/IC).

Information on the semester ticket

4. Expenses for health insurance, medical costs, medication

Until the age of 25, there is the possibility of family insurance in the statutory health insurance. Those who do not have family insurance must expect to pay about 100 € per month for German statutory health insurance.

5. Expenses for telephone, internet, radio and television fees

The expenses for telephone, internet and television fees as well as postage amount to 31 € per month.

6. Expenditure on leisure, culture and sport

The monthly expenses for leisure, culture and sports are calculated at about 65 €.

7. Semester fee

When you register at a university, you have to pay the semester fee, which varies from university to university. It is made up of contributions to the Student Services Organisation (Studierendenwerk) and the Student Council (StuRa). In addition, other benefits, such as the semester ticket, can be financed through this fee. The semester fee at the University of Erfurt (Studierendenwerk, Student Council and semester ticket) is currently around € 286.

Information on the semester fee

8. Tuition fees

There are no general tuition fees in Thuringia.


These costs can be expected on average per month:

Source: 22nd Social Survey of the German Student Services Organisation, 2021
Type of expenditure Expenditure in euros
Rent in Erfurt 330
Food 198
Means of transport 89
Leisure/Culture/Sport 65
Health insurance & Co. 100
Clothing 46
Telephone/TV/Web 31
Learning materials 31
Semester fee Uni Erfurt 46
Total costs per month 936
What does it cost to study?

How can I finance my studies?

Financing your studies with BAföG

If the parents are unable to pay for the student's upkeep due to their low income, the state grants monthly support of up to €992 for the duration of the standard period of study in accordance with the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG). Half of the benefits are granted as a grant and half as an interest-free loan. A maximum of €10,010 of this loan must be repaid later (as of 2024). Different assessment bases apply for studying abroad, so that it may be worthwhile to apply for benefits even if the student is not otherwise entitled to BAföG.

Your contact persons for the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG):

Student Services Organisation (Studierendenwerk)

Students with special needs

Students with disabilities and chronic illnesses or students with children can claim additional support from the Student Services Organisation (Studierendenwerk).

Loan Offers & Student Loans

Publicly and privately provided student loans can be useful in certain study phases or for financing peaks to secure living expenses. Before taking out a loan, however, it is important to check if you are eligible for it, and to compare the conditions, such as the repayment terms.

Student loans

  • KfW-Förderbank, Deutsche Bank and Deutsche Kreditbank (DKB) distribute such loans nationwide.

Education loan

  • Students in advanced stages of their education can apply for an education loan from the Federal Office of Administration. This loan is granted - completely independently of BAföG - for a maximum of 24 months in monthly instalments of up to €300.

Bridging loan in cases of hardship

  • Students who are in need can also obtain bridging loans through loan funds.


Student loans under test

The CHE (Centre for Higher Education Development) provides a detailed description and evaluation of 40 student loans and education funds.

Results of the CHE Study Loan Test


The selection criteria for awarding a scholarship vary widely: in addition to particularly good performance, social aspects and social commitment can also be decisive for funding. Only three percent of all students in Germany currently receive a scholarship, but there are more than 2,000 funding opportunities. Scholarship providers such as churches, political parties, companies, trade unions, etc. support scholarship holders with an average of 305 € per month.


Germany needs capable young talent. That is why the federal government and private sponsors support committed and talented students with the Deutschlandstipendium. An investment in the future that pays off for everyone.

The University of Erfurt participates in the Deutschlandstipendien programme of the federal government and annually awards scholarships to particularly talented, high-achieving and socially committed students.

Become a scholarship holder now!

Further information on the Deutschlandstipendium

Part-time jobs & internships

Around two-thirds of students have a part-time job during the lecture period and during the lecture-free period. Those in marginal employment ("520-euro jobs") do not lose their entitlement to BAföG funding and family insurance as a result.

International students with residence permit need to check whether they are permitted to work in Germany. 

Job placements for students

Parental support

Parents are legally obliged to pay maintenance for their children's studies (§ 1610 Para. 2 BGB). The amount of maintenance is based on the economic capacity of the parents. As an orientation value for an adult student who does not live with his or her parents, a standard requirement of 861 euros per month applies (as of 2020).

Job fairs - from internships to part-time jobs

Job advertisements as well as offers for part-time jobs and internships for students and graduates can be found on the pages of the following project partners.

Offers for student and research assistants

Earn money and get an insight into university work at the same time?

Job offers at the University of Erfurt

JobTeaser of the Student Council

In cooperation with the Student Council of the University of Erfurt, job offers can be searched for and reported free of charge in the JobTeaser job market: Part-time jobs, internships, positions. They can also register for events, use materials on the topic of job applications, make appointments for a job application portfolio check and create their own profile.

Job offers of  JobTeaser

Student Services Organisation (Studierendenwerk)

Job offers can be searched for and reported free of charge in the job market of the Studierendenwerk.

Job offers at the Job market of the Studierendenwerk

Thuringian Agency For Skilled Personnel Marketing

The Thuringian Agency For Skilled Personnel Marketing (ThAFF) offers a job and applicant exchange on its website. ThAFF is also the organiser of the annual Thuringian company contact fair academix.

Job fair of ThAFF

Contact fair academix

Discounts for students

Insurance benefits

Insurance benefits through the Studierendenwerk

By enrolling at a Thuringian university, students acquire statutory accident insurance. In addition, the Studierendenwerk Thüringen has taken out leisure accident insurance and limited liability insurance for students, the costs of which are financed from the semester fee.

Overview of the included insurance benefits and validity of the insurance policies:

Student Services Organisation (Studierendenwerk)

International Student Identity Card (ISIC)

You can get discounts abroad and in some online shops with the International Student Identity Card.

International Student Identity Card

Other benefits

In addition, students with a valid student ID card receive a wide range of discounts from telephone and internet providers, transport companies, banks, cultural institutions (theatres, museums, cinemas, swimming pools, etc.), hardware and software providers and insurance companies.