!!! Please note !!!
Due to the current pandemic situation, no more than 20 people should participate in each of the four parallel panels! We ask for your understanding that the organisers of the panels will ensure that this limit is observed!
If you would like to attend the dinner (self-pay) at Pavarotti (Erfurt), please register by e-mail with Silvia Schulz!
Rationalization: What is the relevance of Max Weber's question today?
- 09.00 – 09.30 | Online
- 09.30 – 10.30 | Online
Introductory Lecture: Amelie Stuart "Academic life is a mad hazard.“
Some remarks on the preconditions for science as identified by Weber.
- 11.00 - 12.30 & 14.00 - 15.30
4 parallel panels (DE, EN)
Emotions in Antiquity: Developments and Transformations | ROOM 805
With contributions by Maria Dell’Isola, Sofia Bianchi Mancini, and Malka Wijeratne
Rationalisierung und Entrationalisierung im Mittelalter und darüber hinaus | ROOM 706b
Mit Beiträgen von Jana Ilnicka, Dietmar Mieth und Saeed Zarrabi Zadeh
Wie aktuell ist Webers "Wissenschaft als Beruf" heute? | Ground floor lounge
Mit Beiträgen von Markus Kleinert, Christiane Kuller, Andreas Pettenkofer, Magnus Schlette, Thomas Sojer und Hanna Werner
Is Rational Capitalism Authoritarian Capitalism? The China Challenge | ROOM 606
With contributions by Genia Kostka, Carsten Hermann-Pillath, Stefan Schmalz, and Jenny Simon
- 16.00 – 17.00 | Online
Discussion: Insights and follow-up questions from the panels
Further Information:
- We will welcome the new members of the Max-Weber-Kolleg at the beginning of the event.
We ask all full members and associates of the Kolleg to attend the Max-Weber-Kolleg Day. - We hope for fresh air through the windows but will be on the safe side by asking everybody to wear masks.
- During the lunch break (12:30-14:00), you will have the opportunity to eat at the university restaurant or at other locations nearby.