| Max-Weber-Kolleg, Religion, Society, and World Relations, Research

Interdisciplinary research findings on corruption

Corruption, often described as all that is rotten in modern societies, has become an increasingly dominant theme in global contemporary political discourse. Corruption, however, is associated with specific practices, concepts and evaluations that vary across regions, cultures, fields of action and disciplines. A new publication entitled "Discourses on Corruption. Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Perspectives", edited by Kalpana Kannabiran, Bettina Hollstein and Florian Hoffmann, uses case studies to examine corruption in the Global South (especially in India and Brazil) and in the West (especially in Switzerland) in order to gain a more differentiated view of the phenomenon.

The essays in this volume are divided into two parts: The first part addresses conceptual issues related to corruption discourses from different perspectives (e.g. business ethics, social capital theory and literature); the second part addresses the complexity and diversity of corruption practices within countries as well as between countries and regions, providing different interpretive frameworks that in turn inform corruption discourses. The overall perspective taken here of the mutual influence of concepts and practices and the empirical focus on the Global South contribute significantly to grasping and understanding the use and misuse of "corruption" in political, legal and economic discourses.

This volume is the result of collaborative research conducted within the framework of the ICAS:MP project on the transformation of the political, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in cooperation with partners in Germany and India at the Max Weber-Kolleg for Cultural and Social Studies at the University of Erfurt under the direction of Prof. Dr. Martin Fuchs. It is published in a book series for which the project is responsible: ICAS:MP Sage Series: “Politics and Society in India and the Global South“.

Kalpana Kannabiran, Florian Hoffmann and Bettina Hollstein
Discourses on Corruption: Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Perspectives

SAGE Spectrum, 2021
ISBN-10: 9354790089
ISBN-13: 978-9354790089
304 pages
35,63 EUR