- 04/2022
Staatskanzlei des Freistaats Thüringen :
55 042 Euro
The Gotha Research Library preserves the only completely preserved copy of the "Gothaische Zeitung" in 69 volumes from 1850 to 1918, the political end of the duchy. In order to be able to remove the unwieldy newspaper volumes, some of which are threatened by paper decay, from use and at the same time make them more accessible, they are being completely digitised and made available in open access on the periodicals portal Journals@UrMEL of the Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Jena. https://zs.thulb.uni-jena.de/receive/jportal_jpjournal_00001956
Please visit the Gotha Research Library's webiste of the project for further information : Projekt-Website "Gothaische Zeitung digital (1850-1918). Digitalisierung und Online-Präsentation“