The next event is on Monday, 7 June. Almut-Barbara Renger will give a reading entitled "Buddhism. 100 pages". The author breaks new ground in terms of content and method: Buddhism with its stories and rituals is taken seriously as a religion of Asian countries with its complex political history. At the same time, she sheds light on the Western traditions of the manifold adaptations of Buddhism, from Schopenhauer to current mindfulness meditation. Narratives about conversations on extended journeys as well as biographical approaches make the religious scholar's own point of view visible to readers and the production of knowledge in religious studies transparent. Buddhism thus becomes tangible in all its often unrecognised diversity.
Almut-Barbara Renger, born in 1969, has been Professor of Ancient Religion and Culture and its Reception at the Free University of Berlin since 2008. She has researched and published on topics including the reception of European myths, religious mastery, the concept of "enlightenment", and religion and gender.
All interested parties are cordially invited to attend. The event will take place via Webex.