| Research, Central events

Festive awarding of the 2021 Doctoral Prize

For the second time the University of Erfurt is awarding a doctoral prize this year. With this award, it recognises the excellent dissertation of a young researcher submitted to the University of Erfurt every two years.

One dissertation from each faculty and from the Max-Weber-Kolleg was nominated for this, which had previously been awarded top marks. Scientific originality, innovative methodological approaches, brilliant execution as well as high relevance for current research are decisive characteristics of all nominated dissertations.

The prize, which was once again donated by the University Society, is endowed with 3000 euros. The runners-up each receive 500 euros. Due to Corona, the award ceremony will take place online this year - as part of the university's public Senate meeting on Wednesday, 9 June. It will begin at 2.15 pm.

Anyone who would like to attend can register at nachwuchsfoerderung@uni-erfurt.de until 30 May 2021 and will then receive a corresponding access link.