In May 2021, Dr. Jasmin Lorch joined the Brandt School’s research areas Conflict Studies and Management as well as Development and Socio-Economic Policies. Before coming to Erfurt, she was a Research Fellow at the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) in Hamburg/Berlin and, earlier, at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) in Berlin.
Her research and publications widely focus on the role of civil society in weak states and in processes of democratization and autocratization. She has also written extensively about Islamism, political Salafism, and secular-Islamist relations in South- and Southeast Asia and the Maghreb.
In addition, Dr. Lorch has provided advice to foreign and development policy makers, including representatives of the German Federal Foreign Office (AA), the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and different German political foundations.
Dr. Nasser Tolba has joineds the entrepreneurship research group headed by Prof. Dr. Heike Grimm at the Brandt School as a guest researcher, financed through stipend from the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education. His research focuses on “Entrepreneurship Education as an Approach to Promote Career Trajectories for Students in Egyptian Universities’’. The project aims at improving entrepreneurship practices in higher education institutions in Egypt and will introduce entrepreneurship knowledge and skills to students in a comprehensive pedagogical way that leads to establishing start-ups and small enterprises at the end of the study. The entrepreneurship-oriented approach to higher education will increase students’ employability and achieve quality of education.
From 2018 until today he has been affiliated to Fayoum University in Egypt. He has gained experience in a wide range of teaching activities at undergraduate and graduate level at the Faculty of Education including the supervision of master and doctoral students.
Welcome to the Brandt School!