As part of the Herzog-Ernst scholarship programme, Dr. Elias Buchetmann (Florence) and Dr. Benedikt Schubert (Leipzig) will be visiting the research centre from March to work with the ducal collections in the research library. Elias Buchetmann received his doctorate from the European University Institute in Florence (EUI) with a thesis on Hegel's philosophy of law in the context of contemporary constitutional discussions. He is now working at the Research Centre Gotha on a project on the political journalism of women around 1800, especially in the context of journals and travel literature. Benedikt Schubert received his doctorate in Weimar with a study on Bach's St. John Passion. In Gotha, he is working on Johann Sebastian Bach's time in Mühlhausen and Protestant church music ideals around 1700. The Germanist Dr Vera Faßhauer (Frankfurt) will make up for two months of her scholarship that had to be cancelled in 2020 due to the first pandemic-related closure. She is working on Johann Christian Senckenberg's "Observationes in me ipso factae" and its literary-historical contexts.