| Faculty of Catholic Theology, Religion, Society, and World Relations, Research

New publication: "Gottesdienst und Kirchenbilder. Theologische Neuakzentuierungen"

A new book entitled "Gottesdienst und Kirchenbilder. Theologische Neuakzentuierungen" by Stefan Kopp and Benedikt Kranemann has just been published.

Worship and images of the church are closely connected. This has been discussed again and again in theology and especially in liturgical studies. The anthology takes up this discussion, gives it a clear profile from the signatures of the present and sets far-reaching new accents for theological discussion. At a time when the catholic church is rethinking its self-understanding and far-reaching reforms are imminent, it thus shows what the liturgy can contribute to the development of images of the church today.

The book contains contributions by Alexander Deeg, Albert Gerhards, Winfried Haunerland, Christoph Jacobs, Birgit Jeggle-Merz, Julia Knop, Stefan Kopp, Benedikt Kranemann, Christian Rentsch, Michael Seewald, Thomas Söding, Klaus von Stosch, Klaus Unterburger, Stephan Winter, Alexander Zerfaß, Kathrin Oel and Arndt Büssing.

About the editors

  • Stefan Kopp is professor of liturgical studies and spokesman for the research training group "Being Church in Times of Change" at the Faculty of Theology in Paderborn.
  • Benedikt Kranemann is Professor of Liturgical Studies at the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Erfurt. He also directs the Theological Research Centre at the University of Erfurt.

Benedikt Kranemann and Stefan Kopp (eds.)
Gottesdienst und Kirchenbilder. Theologische Neuakzentuierungen.
Herder, 2021
ISBN: 978-3-451-02313-2
348 pages
48 EUR