Maternity leave during studies

Since January 1, 2018 the regulations of the Maternity Protection Act ("Mutterschutzgesetz" / MuSchG) also apply to female students. In order for the university to comply with the maternity protection regulations, pregnant students should inform the Department 1: Registrar‘s Office about their pregnancy. This is not obligatory, but is strongly recommended, since only then the protective rights of the MuSchG do apply.

Studying can pose risks to the health of mother and child, e.g. when working in workshops, doing sports or during the practical semester. For students who wish to continue their studies during pregnancy, after delivery and/or while breastfeeding, the university must therefore prepare a risk assessment.

Female students are exempt from taking part in study and examination courses during the maternity protection period (usually 6 weeks before and 8 weeks after the birth). However, at the express request of the student, there is still the possibility of completing study and examination work during the maternity protection period, even during the postnatal protection period. Please contact the Department 1: Registrar‘s Office for advice on this. The same applies to academic achievements after 20:00 hrs and on Sundays and public holidays.

Eine schwangere Frau

Maternity Protection Act ("Mutterschutzgesetz" (MuSchG))

The new Maternity Protection Act ("Mutterschutzgesetz" / MuSchG) has been in force since January 1, 2018. With the new regulation, female pupils and students are included for the first time.

Act on the revision of maternity protection law of May 23, 2017 (german)

The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth has published a guide to the new law on maternity protection. You can find it here:

Brochure: Guide to maternity leave (german)


Risk assessments of the (sub-)study programmes

Maternity leave begins before the birth of a child. Irrespective of a reported pregnancy, the university must, in the abstract, within the framework of a general assessment under maternity protection law, examine working and study conditions for hazards to which a pregnant or breastfeeding woman or her child is or may be exposed.

From the following abstract risk assessments of the (sub-)courses of study, the further procedure is discussed together at the time of notification of the expected date of delivery and possible protective measures are suggested.

to the risk assessments of the (sub-)study programms (german)

Eine Frau hält ihr Neugeborenes im Arm

Notification of a pregnancy / birth

The maternity protection regulations can only be observed by the University of Erfurt if the (expected) date of delivery is indicated accordingly. Notification of a pregnancy is to be made personally in Department 1: Registrar‘s Office.

When a pregnancy is reported, the Department 1: Studies and Teaching centrally informs all lecturers of the courses taken in the current and, if applicable, the following semester about the calculated date of delivery and the protection periods. During the protection periods before and after the birth, female students are exempted from participation in study and examination activities. However, upon written application by the student, she may also be allowed to complete coursework and examinations during the maternity protection periods. Please contact the Department 1: Studies and Teaching for advice on this.

Please note: You can only invoke the protective rights of the MuSchG if you inform the university of your (expected) date of delivery. In your own interest, it is therefore recommended that you inform the university as early as possible!


Anne Zimmermann, M.A.
Student advice and counselling
(Department 1: Registrar‘s Office)
Verwaltungsgebäude / first floor (front entrance)
Office hours
in person: Mondays to Thursdays 12-15 p.m. and by appointment

by telephone: Monday to Friday 9-11:30 a.m.