With an article on the image of God in the Revelation of John and on the question of the relationship between the Revelation of John and Paulinism, Prof Thomas Bauer enriches the volume "Die Johannesapokalypse. Geschichte – Theologie – Rezeption". The volume was edited by Michael Sommer, Uta Poplutz und Christina Hoegen-Rohls.
Congratulations to the editors on this successful volume!
Th.J. Bauer: „Umkehr zum »Gott des Gesetzes«? Die Johannesoffenbarung und die paulinische Tradition“, in: Michael Sommer et al. (Ed.), Die Johannesapokalypse. Geschichte – Theologie – Rezeption. WUNT I/508, Tübingen 2023, P. 153–177.
We hope you enjoy reading it!