| Internal service, Research, University, Service

Admission to doctoral studies - now online via Docata 2.0

In future, applications for admission to the doctoral or examination procedure at the University of Erfurt will be submitted exclusively via "Docata - the web portal for doctoral students at the University of Erfurt". An online assistant guides you through the application process.

The last pen strokes have been made on the manuscript, the dissertation is ready for submission. As a doctoral student, you can now apply for the opening of your examination or doctoral procedure in order to be awarded your doctorate through an assessment of your thesis and the subsequent oral defence. Until now, applications for the opening of the doctoral or examination procedure could only be submitted in paper form. As of today, an online assistant is now available for submitting applications, which requests the necessary information in a clear sequence and gives you the opportunity to submit important documents digitally as well.

From now on, please submit applications for the opening of the doctoral or examination procedure exclusively via this assistant. Doctoral candidates can access the online assistant via our web portal for doctoral candidates at the University of Erfurt, Docata. It goes without saying that all data will be handled with the utmost care and in accordance with the current data protection regulations. This is guaranteed by a detailed data protection concept  (https://docata.uni-erfurt.de/data-protection-privacy).

In a subsequent development stage, Docata will also offer services for postdocs.