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Workshop: "Successfully accompanying doctorates"

As part of the programme "Academic Qualification and Continuing Education", the University of Erfurt is offering the digital workshop "Successfully Supervising Doctorates" on 17 June from 9 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. It is aimed at university lecturers who are already supervising doctoral theses or who will soon be supervising doctoral theses.

In addition to reflecting on previous practical experiences in dealing with supervision, the workshop will address the question of how supervisees can be accompanied even better in order to optimise academic quality, use of resources and time expenditure for both sides. The speaker is Dr Olaf Hars, who works as a scientific consultant, systemic business coach and trainer.

For more information and to register, please visit www.uni-erfurt.de/en/research/academic-career/academic-career-and-qualification-programme/workshop-detail/promotionen-erfolgreich-begleiten.


Employee, a.o. Competence-Oriented Personnel Development for Academics
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