| Internal service, Studies, Events

Workshop of the eTeach Network Thuringia: How online study can succeed

The eTeach Network Thuringia, in which the University of Erfurt is also involved, invites you to an online workshop on the occasion of the nationwide Digital Day on Friday, 18 June, which will focus on how online studies can succeed (not only) in times of the pandemic. The workshop starts at 2 p.m. and ends around 3 p.m.

Studying means taking a step into the world, broadening horizons, meeting new people, exploring and trying out new topics. Under pandemic conditions, however, studying has become a new challenge for young people and their families, but also for teachers at universities. The workshop on 18 June will therefore focus on insights, tips and tricks on how online studies can be successful and what advantages can be associated with it. Not only will the possibilities be discussed, but they will also be applied immediately in an exemplary manner (including digital whiteboard for brainstorming, breakout rooms for group work, flipped classroom for hybrid learning, etc.).

Registration is possible at: www.uni-weimar.de/de/universitaet/studium/digital-studieren/medienbereichertes-lehren-und-lernen/veranstaltungen/eteach-beim-digitaltag-2021.

further information / contact:
Dr Iren Schulz (staff member for qualification, events and communication in the eTeach Network Thuringia)
email iren.schulz@uni-weimar.de
phone: +49 (0) 36 43/58 12 65