Under the title "Formulating without blocking", the workshop, which is financed by funds from the United Chamber of Churches and Monasteries, is primarily aimed at doctoral students with a theology or religion-related dissertation topic. If places remain free, doctoral candidates with other topics can also participate.
How do I start writing? When do I start writing? What writing strategies can I use if my own problem solutions do not work? The online workshop is all about getting started, staying on and finishing writing. You will learn strategies and methods to avoid or overcome inhibitions and blockages when writing. Between the two online meetings you will work independently on expanding your repertoire of writing strategies. In the process, drafts and ideas will emerge - quite incidentally - which you can use for your dissertation.
You can find the registration form at: www.uni-erfurt.de/fileadmin/Hauptseiten/Forschung/Anmeldung_Workshop.pdf