| Faculty of Education, Gotha Research Library, Centre for Transcultural Studies, Gotha Research Centre, Faculty of Catholic Theology, Max-Weber-Kolleg, Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences, Willy Brandt School of Public Policy, Research, University

Research to listen to: University of Erfurt launches "WortMelder" research podcast

With the episode "Quo Vadis, Catholic Church? The crisis and the way out of it", the University of Erfurt has launched its new academic podcast "WortMelder". Julia Knop, Professor of Dogmatics at the Faculty of Catholic Theology, talks about the deep crisis of the Church and how the so-called Synodal Way can initiate reforms.

The first episode marks the beginning of a series of talks with which the University of Erfurt would like to regularly introduce a scientist and their research via the audio format. The aim is to focus on the socially relevant aspect of their research and to discuss topics that concern everyone in an understandable way. "Our scientists are looking for answers to socially relevant questions every day," says Carmen Voigt, press officer at the University of Erfurt. "We want to get to the heart of them in the podcast and show what our researchers are actually working on - and how important their work is for society. With the increasingly popular podcast format, i.e. audio (or video) files that can be subscribed to, we have found a suitable channel for this, which makes it possible to break new ground in research communication and thus reach new people."

The first interviewee in the "WortMelder" podcast Prof. Dr. Julia Knop is herself a member of the Synodal Way - a dialogue assembly with about 230 members - and works there as an expert on reform proposals for the Catholic Church. She once again explains the extent and the reasons for the crisis, which (power) structures need to be changed, for whom she is actually doing all this and why this crisis concerns us all.

 "WortMelder", the science podcast of the University of Erfurt is now available on the known streaming services and on the website of the University of Erfurt at www.uni-erfurt.de/go/podcast-wortmelder (German only).

Podcast episode at Spotify (German):

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